Category Archives: Health

A Big Pain in the Foot!

What exactly is Plantar Fasciitis and what can you do? STORY BY: LESLIE RESCHLY, BSN, RN I f you have experienced plantar fasciitis, you know the pain! The first steps off your bed in the morning are excruciating! Standing after

A Simple Touch Can Do Wonders

Drop the technology and connect STORY BY: LESLIE RESCHLY, BSN, RN Years ago, before the internet, a popular advertising slogan professed, “Reach Out and Touch Someone”. Ironically, the slogan for Bell Telephone could still be utilized today as we connect

Poison Control!

So many substances are present in your home or outside environment that can be potentially dangerous to your pet. It is very important to remember that your pet comes from a different scientific genus and species therefore can not

Healthy Hints For Holiday Travel

                    Easy Steps That Can Make All The Difference! STORY BY: LESLIE RESCHLY, BSN, RN   Holiday Stress is enough to handle without the complications of trains, planes and automobiles! If

National Hospice Month

  A look at the comfort and support offered STORY BY: LESLIE RESCHLY, BSN, RN   As a young nursing student with a heart full of invincibility, I recall a lecturing professor making a statement; that since the day we

The Itsy Bitsy Spider

Can Have Quite A Big Bite! STORY BY: LESLIE RESCHLY, BSN, RN Walk up to my front door and you will see nature has already decorated my home for Halloween with an abundance of spider webs and beautiful spiders lining

A Fib—It’s No Lie!!

  What is Atrial Fibrillation? STORY BY: LESLIE RESCHLY BSN,RN Settle in to watch a movie, the news or even the US Olympic trials and you probably encountered a commercial advertising the latest and greatest blood thinner for treatment of Atrial

Keep Yourself Healthy this Summer

  Limiting your exposure to disease-carrying insects. STORY BY: LESLIE RESCHLY BSN,RN As the 2016 Summer Olympics in Brazil loom in the near future, athletes around the world are weighing the risk of attending versus the risk of being infected with

Skin Cancer Review

  As easy as A-B-C BY: LESLIE RESCHLY BSN, RN Everyone loves that golden bronze tan! Have you looked around our community recently? See that RED BURN with white swimsuit strap marks? Welcome to summer, as locals and tourists hit the

Whistle A Happy Tune

  Feel your spirits lift with music therapy BY: LESLIE RESCHLY BSN,RN Music-whether playing it or listening to it-can provide you with many positive health benefits. Do you ever put on your favorite songs while relaxing or entertaining? Can you recall

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