Monthly Archives: August 2013
Cattail Cottage
Welcome to our new column, “Biz Q&A.” Each month, we’ll sit down with the owner of a local store or service provider to learn more about the businesses and people of our area. As keeping money local by patronizing our
A Stretch a Day Keeps the Pain Away!
Watch your animals and you will often see them get up and stretch. Stretching helps to keep muscles loosened so that you can bend or move without hurting yourself. Stretching improves the flexibility of your joints and muscles, which improves
Toast to Autumn
Though the leaves aren’t quite falling, autumnal flavors creep in with the onset of September. Nutty tones occupy seasonal coffees while cinnamon and other spices mingle within bready desserts. Of course, even the mere idea of soon-to-be pumpkin-flavored everything makes
An Evening for Chocolate Lovers
Diverse Celebration
What: Brunswick County Intercultural Festival When: Saturday, September 7th 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Where: Odell Williamson Auditorium 50 College Rd. NE, Bolivia Cost: FREE Info: Brunswick County is set to turn into a multicultural melting pot on September
Set a Course and Go
September 2013
As fall creeps in and summer makes its last impression, our coastal community shakes the dreary heat in style. Boating becomes a more enjoyable sport in fair-weather September, and to celebrate it, Southport will host its annual Wooden Boat Show