2020 Virtual NC Fourth of July Festival

This is a bittersweet year for Southport’s 4th of July Festival. This will be the 225th year of the Festival, and this year also marks the 100th anniversary of women winning the right to vote nationwide. But this year’s celebrations will be very different due to restrictions put in place to mitigate the COVID-19 virus.
We wonder what the residents of Southport in 1795 would think of Southport 2020. While they could certainly understand fighting a pandemic, the idea of moving the Festival into cyberspace would be incomprehensible to them. But that is exactly what the Festival Committee has planned, and it’s the very best the could be made of a bad situation.
We will be able to share in many of our favorite festival traditions, on Facebook. The Facebook page @nc4thofjulyfestival will be home to all the fun, but if you miss the live events, you can catch up on the www.nc4thofjuly.com website. It won’t be the same as sharing these things in person and together, but this year has taught us that we can be together while remaining apart.
Here are all the events planned:
Wednesday, July 1
Fireworks at the Oak Island Pier, 9 pm weather permitting
This one isn’t virtual — these are going to be real, honest to goodness fireworks you can go see! While the fireworks are set off from the Oak Island Pier at the end of Womble Street, pretty much the length of the island’s beach strand is going to be a fine place for viewing. Remember we’re in the middle of a pandemic and crowds are not your friend. Parking is available in town lots and street rights-of-way (please keep tires off the road so traffic can flow). After the fireworks, Oak Island police will be on hand to help direct traffic off the island. Given this is one of the few fireworks displays in the area, expect a lot of people and delays leaving the island.
Thursday, July 2
Flags Flying High, All Festival Long
This is also not virtual. The Southport Fire Department will have our nation’s colors flying throughout the City.
Happy 4th! 8 am
A welcome from Festival co-chairs Randy Jones and Trisha Howarth on Facebook Live
Patriotism on Display, 10 am
See how all our friends and neighbors have dressed up their homes and businesses for Independence Day in this slide show on Facebook and the Festival website.
Friday, July 3
Suffrage Facebook Challenge, All Day
Did you realize that this year is also the 100th anniversary of women winning the right to vote nationwide? You can read all about how the suffrage movement in Southport in this issue on page [insert page #}. Join in the celebration by changing your Facebook profile picture to a yellow flower today.
Test Your Knowledge, 10 am
People seeking to become American citizens must pass a 100-question civics test. Do you think YOU know enough about how your country works that you could pass? Join Superior Court Judge Jason Disbrow for an abbreviated 10-12 question quiz and find out! Afterwards, join Judge Disbrow in reciting the Oath of Allegiance that is administered to our nation’s new citizens.
Becoming an American, 12 pm and 2 pm
Hear from some of Southport’s naturalized citizens on Facebook Live about the process of becoming an American and what it has meant to them.
Saturday, July 4
Flag Raising, 6:06 am
A Flag Raising Ceremony on Facebook Live followed by the singing of the national anthem
Flag Folding Tutorial, 8 am
OK, you’ve been flying the colors all week, but at some point you may need to put that flag away. Do you know how to fold it properly and respectfully? Join Boy Scout Troop #238 on Facebook Live for a lesson on how it’s done.
Community Pledge, beginning at 11 am
You are invited to stop, reflect and join your community for the Pledge of Allegiance. At 11 am, churches, police and fire in Southport will ring bells. At 11:03 am we recite the pledge together from wherever we are. At 11:05 am, first responders, boaters and individuals are encouraged to sound horns and sirens for three minutes.
Reading of the Declaration of Independence, 12 pm
Lee Norris, one of our very most favorite people, performs a dramatic reading of the Declaration of Independence. This document is why we are doing all of this. It’s the one of the most incredible, inspirational and aspirational writings in all of human history. Lee will make you feel it in your bones.
City of Southport Message, 2 pm
Southport Mayor Joseph P. Hatem and Southport Aldermen share patriotic messages of Facebook Live.
Parades of the Past, 4 pm
Miss the parade? I know we do! To help fill the void, the NC Fourth of July Festival Committee and Southport Historical Society have collected photos and stories from the parades of past years. Watch on Facebook Live and don’t forget to wave!
Celebrate 100 years of Women’s Right To Vote, 6 pm
The Southport Historical Society presents a video tribute to the passage of the 19th Amendment. See photos of Southport’s first women voters as well as women of today paying tribute.
Fireworks of the Past, 8 pm
While we’re going down memory lane, why not listen to stories of past fireworks? Everything hasn’t always gone perfectly, you know. Tune in to Facebook Live to hear about the year the display went “BOOM!!”
Facebook Live Fireworks Display, 9 pm
Join a Watch Party for some virtual fun!
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