A Night To Shine

This year, Night to Shine, sponsored by the Tim Tebow Foundation, has come to Brunswick County North Carolina, and we are thrilled to invite you to this exciting event. Night to Shine is an unforgettable prom night experience, centered on God’s love, for people with special needs, ages 14 and older. On one night, hundreds of churches of different denominations from all over the world will come together to celebrate people with special needs!

This year, due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, Night to Shine will be provided as an unforgettable virtual experience. Though nothing can take the place of spending time with you in-person, we are so excited that we are still able to celebrate you on Friday, Feb. 12, 2021. The event will still be an unforgettable night and include music, dancing, messages via surprise appearances and more!
Each guest will receive an exclusive Night to Shine Gift Kit to enjoy while they participate in the virtual event. This Kit will include a crown or tiara, a boutonniere or corsage, and other gifts to make our Honored Guests feel celebrated and special. The event is totally free for Honored Guests.
“The reason Night to Shine is so special to me is because all the boys…all of the girls… that the rest of the world has forgotten, that so many times we haven’t clapped for, we haven’t cheered for, we haven’t loved…this is the night where we get to bring them together and say, ‘you matter, we love you and we are throwing this awesome party because that’s how special you are.’ This is why we knew we couldn’t cancel Night to Shine 2021. Our heart is always to love and encourage and it’s never to put anyone at risk and that is why we are confident in our decision to celebrate Night to Shine 2021 as a fully virtual experience,” said Tim Tebow, founder of the Tim Tebow Foundation.
Registration will start on Nov. 1, 2020 at https://www.southporttrintiyumc.com/nighttoshinebrunswicknighttoshine@gmail.com. Find more information on Facebook at “Night to Shine Brunswick County NC”or contact Ken Huber through https://www.southporttrintiyumc.com/nighttoshine
Participating Organizations:
Southport Presbyterian Church, St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, Trinity United Methodist Church, Brunswick County Schools, Brunswick Community College, Brunswick County parks and recreation, and Brunswick County Special Olympics
Great event that the Tim Tebow foundation has sponsored. It will make many very happy and will help change some lives. Great Christian event.