Author Archives: Greg Ochipa

Safe Harbor 401(k) Plans for Small Businesses

E>mployee retirement plans can be a valuable tool to help employees of a company save for retirement. A “safe harbor” 401(k) plan is one such plan. This type of 401(k) plan allows all eligible participants, including owner-employees, to contribute significant

Borrowing from Yourself

After years of regular contributions, a 401(k) plan through your employer may become one of your largest financial assets. In some cases, your employer may also allow you to borrow against the funds in that plan, which may be another

Year-end Financial Check

Bear with me as I bring up the holidays in September. But with many of us trying to avoid large crowds and heavy stress, lots of folks tend to make holiday purchases as early as October. While planning ahead for

Saving on School Supplies

From school supplies to dorm essentials, preparing for a new school year can be an expensive undertaking. Consider these simple back-to-school shopping tips to help you plan smart and cut costs. Set a budget—and stick to it. Determine how much

What If You’re At Fault?

Did you know that if your dog bites someone at the park, you could end up with the medical bills? And if your child posts defamatory information online, you may owe for damages? Even if someone is accidentally injured while

Retirement Check-up

Increasing life expec-tancies mean you’re likely looking at a longer retirement than the previous generation of workers. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the average person spends 20 years in retirement—while others put the figure at 30 years or

To Save or To Shred

Are you a “pack rat” or “purger” when it comes to your personal documents? The best approach is somewhere in between the two extremes. Try these suggestions for a sensible but streamlined way to manage your paperwork. While you’re clearing

Get Your Ground Game On

If water isn’t draining correctly around your property, you could be in for some major headaches: bogs in your lawn, cracked foundations, and landscaping that washes down your slopes (if you have them around here!) and more. The culprit often

Moving Insurance

When preparing for a move, you may be hiring movers, packing, and transferring your homeowners or renters insurance to your new address. But what about getting moving insurance? If you’re like most people, you may not realize that your homeowners

Wedding Planning Precautions

Everyone wants her or his wedding to come off without a hitch. Take extra precautions, such as these four steps, as you plan to help avoid problems on the big day. 1. Do your homework. Whether you’re using local or

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