Author Archives: Leslie Reschly, BSN, RN

Strong Opportunities

CrossFit finally muscles into the Southport area

For the Love of Exercise

Two years after I left my employment in an outpatient care clinic, I ran into a previous patient who had lost 50 pounds. Smiling, he related how he finally “decided to do what the doctor told me to do for

Real-life Resolutions for the New Year

Happy 2014! As another January rolls in, so does the season for resolutions related to health, exercise and diet. Sometimes it can be hard to go from resolutions to reality—but I met two local individuals who committed in 2013 to

Steps for the Season

A colleague of mine recently announced the countdown of days until Christmas, and a hush fell over the break room. Of course this silence was followed by a loud and collective groan, followed by many folks bemoaning all that must

Put on Those Party Shoes

As the holiday season begins, social festivities abound complete with song, wonderful food and drink. Often, people prone to gout develop symptoms as a result of party activities which cause them to miss future soirées due to pain and discomfort.

Pump Up the Pumpkin

One of my fondest childhood memories of Iowa is driving to The Pumpkin Patch located a few miles from town each October. The arthritic, weathered old farmer wandered his fields with a huge smile on his face. Children ran in

A Stretch a Day Keeps the Pain Away!

Watch your animals and you will often see them get up and stretch. Stretching helps to keep muscles loosened so that you can bend or move without hurting yourself. Stretching improves the flexibility of your joints and muscles, which improves

Cool Exercising

“SUP” is not the common slang inquiry asked by my teenage son and his friends. SUP is short for “stand-up paddleboarding.” Originating in Hawaii as surfers sought ocean respite despite a lack of waves, this latest exercise craze has finally

Viewing fruits and veggies as a dietary rainbow

Summer is a great time to improve your diet with the addition of fruits and vegetables. For those of us without a green thumb or a gardener in our family, the Southport and Oak Island farmers’ markets have both restarted

Easy Does It

As the weather warms and the beach beckons, pure panic often strikes as the realization hits: It’s time for the exposure of swimsuit season. Try not to indulge that panic—especially if you already own a swim suit and don’t have

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