Brunswick Civil War Round Table Meeting

A. Wilson Greene will return to the Brunswick Civil War Round Table on Tuesday, April 2nd, 2013. He is executive director of Pamplin Historical Park and The National Museum of the Civil War Soldier in Petersburg, Virginia. Courtesy photo
What: Brunswick Civil War Round Table Meeting
When: Tuesday, April 2nd
Where: Southport Trinity United Methodist Church
209 E. Nash St.
Info: 253-7382
The events that took place during the Civil War between May 3rd and June 3rd, 1864 in Virginia—and why—will be the focus of “The Overland Campaign” presentation by returning special guest speaker A. Wilson Greene.
As background, on May 4th, 1864, the Army of the Potomac embarked on the biggest campaign of the Civil War by crossing the Rapidan River in Virginia, precipitating a showdown that eventually helped decide the outcome of the war. General Ulysses S. Grant, as commander of all Union forces had with him four corps and over 100,000 men. The plan was to move his troops around General Robert E. Lee’s flank and advance beyond the Wilderness forest to engage the Confederates. His effort was slowed by the long wagon train supplying the Union troops. This delay set the stage for the epic battle between the two generals. Lee attacked first—the first salvo in the biggest campaign of the war.
The fighting lasted into June with the Battle of Cold Harbor. The most significant fighting occurred on June 3rd. It was one of the final battles of Grant’s Overland Campaign, and is remembered as one of American history’s bloodiest battles. Grant said of the battle in his memoirs, “I have always regretted that the last assault at Cold Harbor was ever made. No advantage whatever was gained to compensate for the heavy loss we sustained.”
The Round Table is pleased to have Will Greene return to discuss this historical event. He is executive director of Pamplin Historical Park and The National Museum of the Civil War Soldier in Petersburg, Virginia. He is a much sought-after Civil War battlefield guide, and has authored numerous books on the Civil War, including his most recent award-winning book, “Civil War in Petersburg: Confederate City in the Crucible of War,” and “Breaking the Backbone of the Rebellion: The Final Battle of Petersburg.”
The Brunswick Civil War Round Table meeting will be held at Trinity United Methodist Church, 209 E. Nash St., Southport. Registration for the April 2nd meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. The visitor fee is $5 which can be applied toward the $25 annual membership dues. Everyone is invited to join the now 550+ members of the largest Civil War Round Table in the country. For more information, contact president Wally Rueckel at (910) 253-7382, or email him at The Round Table’s website is
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