Communities in Schools 14th Annual CIS Benefit Gala for Children

One of our area’s Premier events
Story by: Kris Beasley
Each year Brunswick County offers some wonderful events and the annual Communities in Schools Benefit Gala for Children is at the top of the list! Not only will you be treated to some of the best food our area has to offer but you will be helping local students and their families get the resources they need for success. There is still time to purchase your tickets to the 14th Annual CIS Benefit on November 5, at 6:00 pm at Sea Trail Conference Center in Sunset Beach. CIS together with it’s 20th Year Anniversary Platform Sponsors, Cygnus Technologies and Duke Energy, are pleased to announce that the evening will be hosted by Jon David, Brunswick County District Attorney, and includes a decadent tasting of the best foods of Brunswick County provided by our area’s finest chefs, live and silent auctions, 50/50 raffles, and entertainment by the Band of Oz.
Some of the restaurants represented at the Gala will include:
- Angelo’s Pizzeria & Bistro
- Art Catering and Events
- The Purple Onion
- Backstreet Café
- Big Al’s Slam Dunk BBQ
- Burney’s Bakery
- Check 6 Brewery
- Magnolia’s Lounge at Sea Trail
- Papa John’s Pizza
- Ports of Call
- Yacht Basin Eatery
- Coastal Catering & Events
- and many others
Other major sponsors of the event include Mrs. Dinah Gore, Archer Daniels Midland Company, Highway 55 Burgers, Shakes & Fries, and St. James Plantation. Other sponsorship opportunities are available to the black-tie-optional event and individual tickets can be purchased for $125 per person. Please plan to join us at the 14th Annual Benefit for Children as CIS of Brunswick County celebrates 20 years of bringing the community together to support and empower student success.
Founded in 1995, CIS of Brunswick County’s mission is to “surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.” The work of CIS making a difference in the lives of students and families can be found in 17 schools where CIS operates in Brunswick County communities. In the 2014-2015 school year, organization efforts resulted in 3,700 students receiving services including academic tutoring, social enrichment, and intervention services.
For more information about CIS of Brunswick County and the Benefit Gala for Children, please contact the CIS office at 910-457-3494 or visit and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
About Communities In Schools of Brunswick County:
Communities In Schools of Brunswick County is part of the national Communities In Schools network. Communities In Schools operates programs in 17 schools in Brunswick County. Working closely with schools and partner organizations, Communities In Schools serves 3,700 young people and their families each year. Based directly inside schools throughout the county, Communities In Schools connects students and their families to basic and critical educational and community-based resources, tailored to each student’s specific needs. Learn more about Communities In Schools of Brunswick County at
Contact: Todd Beane, Public Relations Manager,910-457-2916,
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