Cover Competition!

THEME: What your local community means to you.
Our August issue is going to highlight our amazing
local ART scene. We would love to showcase one winner on our cover. It can be Photography, Digital, Collage, Painting, Drawing, etc. any 2D medium. You must be a local resident, BSL, Southport, Oak Island, Bald Head, St James, Bolivia.
We want originality! We want cool! So get your creative hats on and show us what you’ve got! Only one entry per person, must fit in a square, must be suitable for print, and for the cover of the magazine. The artwork must be new, created in 2017 and never shown before publicly (in a gallery or online)
Submit one HIGH RESOLUTION photo of the original artwork for consideration to: Include your name, phone number, town of residence and a short 100 word max description and your inspiration for the art.
The deadline for entries is July 10th!
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