Creative Cougars

by: Katelyn Auger
When asked what I believe is my favorite part of this little coastal town, it’s an overwhelming and daunting decision. “It’s the food, the shops—it’s because ‘Safe Haven’ and ‘Under the Dome’ were both filmed here,” some might say. But these qualities are superficial; our small town of Southport has more merit than what tourists experience. My personal favorite facet of Southport has to be the atmosphere: It feels like home.
Within the overall physical appearance, one can experience the emotional and intangible feel Southport has to offer. It’s simply attained by all of the little components that make up our town. It’s the recognizable—and a little gross—smell of the low tides. The annoying squawks of seagulls begging for food by the waterfront, and the thrill of jaywalking across Howe Street. These are all familiar feelings that really make Southport feel like home. Even more, it’s the little nooks and crannies of alleyways you find behind buildings and little fudge shops tucked away in the corner. The atmosphere is continued by the occurrence of walking into a thrift store and having that glorious yet typical smell of stale mothballs permeate your soul and sting your eyes. This city is raw, simplistic, and warm. Southport really epitomizes what a small coastal town should be.
The people within this town however, are really the icing on the cake, the bread to our butter, or rather the ketchup to the Trolly Stop hot dog. The south is known for its friendly inhabitants, and Southport is not the exception. One could literally walk into any store and strike up a conversation with the employees, or come across someone on the street and discuss our beautiful town’s history. When visiting or living in Southport, it’s like the entire town is your family. Bullfrog Corner reminds you of the children in your family; Moore Street Market is your sweet, cozy grandfather; and Provision Company might just be the drunk cousin. Kidding? Maybe not.
Additionally, the park is a magical place where seasonal vendors sell their wares and concerts fill the town with sweet melodic symphonies. The eerie yet beautiful graveyard spotted with azaleas continues the theme of familiarity, almost as if one can be comfortable among the graves. All of these places and people contribute to this homey ambiance that is carried throughout Southport.
So, even though I was supposed to pick one favorite thing, I really couldn’t. I love Southport. There are too many amazing qualities it contains to ignore even one of them. And after contemplating all of the marvelous aspects, I’m saddened that I will be leaving this place to go to college. However, I leave you, the reader, to enjoy and explore all Southport has to offer the world.
by: Michelle Richards
Southport abounds in maritime and Civil War history along with breathtaking scenery. It has some big celebrations for such a small city. Sitting at the mouth of the Cape Fear River, the city represents a small village charm that I love.
I moved here from Northwood, New Hampshire in 2005, and it took a lot of adjusting to the climate. Although, it did not take any time at all to fall in love with Southport as my new home. The small-town feel makes even the farthest of visitors feel right at home. The streets are filled with local shops and a friendly atmosphere. At night every tree is glowing with inviting lights, and a stroll down the calm streets can put anyone at ease. With a population of 3,000, most everyone knows each other and we have been a tight-knit community ever since I can remember.
Even though Southport is a small city, it holds big celebrations! My two favorite events of the year are the Fourth of July Festival and the flotilla. Southport has been home to the North Carolina Fourth of July Festival for over 200 years. The fair food permeates the air and draws us in after watching the infamous parade on Howe Street. At night the 20-minute fireworks show is the last and certainly not least of the festivities. I love to crowd around on the waterfront to watch the sky light up.
Another event that is a must-see is the Southport Christmas Flotilla. Along the Southport waterfront, the waters are lit up by passing boats of all sizes beautifully decorated. These events are just a little reminder of what a great city Southport really is.
Since moving here, I’ve fallen more in love with Southport day by day. I am always finding new things that are so admirable about this small village charm city. I am very honored and blessed to call Southport my home.
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