FAQ’s and Smart Pet Ownership

The city of Southport is a very pet-friendly place. There are, however, several rules and regulations to make sure your pets are well taken care of. Some people like to take their pets along in the car to run errands, and some stores allow them inside, but leaving your pet in the car is never allowed. Even on days that may just seem warm to us, the temperature inside your vehicle can be deadly for an animal. Our local animal expert, Kate Marshall, gives us the rules and regs below. And although every pet is required to be registered, as of now, only a handful are, so please register your pet with the city.
Animal Protective Services
The mission of Animal Protective Services is to promote an environment of responsible pet ownership by protecting the safety and welfare of Southport’s animals and citizens.
Animal Protective Services strives to provide quality service and education to all residents and visitors while ensuring the humane treatment of animals. We strive to foster an improved human-animal bond through progressive animal welfare initiatives, community outreach and humane education in a culture of compassion and integrity.
The Southport Animal Protective Services include:
• Enforcing the City of Southport’s Animal Welfare Ordinance
• Enforcing the State of North Carolina rabies laws
• Investigating animal cruelty complaints
• Investigating animal bites
Animal Protective Services can also provide education and classes to the public:
• Dog Bite Prevention and Animal Safety Programs
• Community Cat Programs
• Responsible Pet Ownership Classes
Animal Protective Services provides information on Pet Safety:
• Summer Safety for your pets
• Golf cart safety
• Hurricane checklists and disaster preparedness
If you have concerns, questions or complaints or to report Animal Cruelty: Contact the Animal Protective Services Officer 910-477-1486
If you have an animal emergency or you need to report an injured animal, please call 911. The appropriate authority will be contacted immediately.
Other animal related resources:
Wildlife questions/concerns please contact:
• NC Wildlife Resources Commission
• Wildlife Helpline (info. on wildlife behavior, damage, injury, and co-existing) 1-866-318-2401
Found a Bird that Needs Help?
• Sea Biscuit Wildlife Shelter: Contact the injured/sick bird report line at (910) 294-2555.
FAQ’s City of Southport Animal Welfare Ordinances
1. Are my pets required to have vaccinations?
YES. All dogs, cats or ferrets over the age of four (4) months must be vaccinated against Rabies by a licensed Veterinarian.
2. Are my pets required to be licensed in Southport?
YES. All dogs and cats within the city limits are required to be licensed annually. You can conveniently license your dog online at www.southport.docupet.com
3. Are dogs required to be on a leash?
YES. All dogs must always be under control using proper restraint. Voice commands do not count as under restraint. They are not allowed to run at large on any street, sidewalk, beach area or park without a leash.
4. What beaches allow dogs off-leash?
Southport beaches do not allow dogs off-leash at any time. Oak Island beaches allow dogs off-leash between October 16 and March 15 from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. where signage allows.
5. Can my dog ride in my golf cart?
YES. Dogs can ride in golf carts, however for the safety of your pet, it must be secured by a harness, leash or animal carrier to prevent it from falling, jumping or being thrown from the golf cart.
6. Can I tie my dog up outside all day?
NO. Tethering (tying) your dog outside can only be temporary in nature, and while you are home and within eyesight of your dog. You must provide water and protection from the elements while your dog is outside.
7. Can I leave my dog in the car while I shop, even if I crack open the windows?
NO. You should NEVER leave a dog alone in the car, even with the windows cracked. The inside of a vehicle parked in 70-degree weather can reach 100 degrees in just 20 minutes. On very hot days, temperatures inside parked cars can climb to 140 degrees Fahrenheit in less than one hour. Cracking a window changes these figures very little.
8. I found a stray dog, what should I do?
Contact Southport Animal Protective Services at 910-477-1486 or Southport Police Department at 910-457-7911 to report a stray dog. We will respond and attempt to locate the owners.
9. Do I have to pick up after my dog’s waste when I am on a walk?
YES. Anytime your dog that defecates off your property it must be cleaned up immediately. Dog waste stations are located throughout the city for your convenience.
10. Are cats allowed to be outside in Southport?
YES. The City of Southport supports the Community Cat Program. A Community Cat is an outdoor cat that is abandoned, stray or feral and cared for by a community cat caregiver. This program also includes Trap/Neuter/Return that these cats are spayed/neutered and vaccinated for Feline Distemper and Rabies. You may notice these cats have on ear “tipped” to identify them as being fixed.
Did you know?
Why you ask? Licensing helps to ensure all pets are vaccinated against RABIES! A Rabies vaccination is required by NC State Law. This is for the safety of pets and citizens.
How do I register my pet? You can easily register your pet online at www.Docupet.com. It takes less than 5 minutes!
Where does the money go? The money collected helps cover the cost of health care for the animals that Animal Protective Services takes in.
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