Freedom Day

National Thank-You Movement Treats Veterans in Brunswick County; Coastal Cosmetic Family Dentistry provides FREE dental services.
Bolivia, NC – October 12, 2017 – Coastal Cosmetic family Dentistry treated over 50 service men and women today during their 5th annual Freedom Day event in support of our military. Drs. Tony Michelakis, Aaron Wilharm, Darren Harrington, Matt Miller, Greg Hohl, Mark Dobransky and their staff provided extractions, fillings, crowns and cleanings to active military, their families and veterans at no charge to the patients as a thank you for their service to our country.
Coastal Cosmetic Dentistry knows firsthand the sacrifice that the military and their families make to protect our freedom; the staff at this practice has spouses currently serving, and soon to be serving overseas, doctors currently in active reserve in the Navy as well as hundreds of patients whom are veterans. Dr. Aaron Wilharm, a founder of the event, shared that “this event holds a special place in my heart – a simple and true way to give back to those that give so much for us.”
Community Relations Director Jackie Pappas noted that, “.today was full of smiles and hugs and huge appreciation for our military”. Patients were seen in both offices. Some patients were visiting the dentist for the first time in 30 years. Pappas said, “.if opening our doors today for Freedom Day encouraged some patients to take the first step to better dental health, we are very happy that we could help.”
Coastal Cosmetic Family Dentistry has provided over $175,000 year-to-date in free dental services for Freedom Day patients. Coastal Cosmetic Family Dentistry is proud to host Freedom Day, Operation Gratitude, Give Kids a Smile and Dentistry From The Heart events supporting our military, our children and our community.
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