Hearts and Sol

Community wellness center has everything you need for complete healing
Oak Island’s Hearts and Sol Wellness Center offers healing therapy and a variety of holistic and traditional treatments. Hearts and Sol also displays local art, offers essential oils, CBD products, classes, jewelry, crystals and more. Make sure to stop in, and here’s everything you need to know about this exciting community of healers. Located at 200 Country Club Drive, Oak Island.
1 – Tell us about the services Hearts & Sol offers.
Hearts & Sol Wellness Inc. is a community wellness center designed to provide holistic therapies that complement traditional wellness care. Along with a variety of massage therapies, including Swedish, Deep Tissue, Hot Stone, Sports and Ashiatsu, our practitioners offer The LifeLine Technique, Life Coaching, Chromotherapy (light therapy and Chakra stimulus), Reiki, Celestial Healing, Akashic Records, ThetaHealing, Eden Energy Medicine, Quantum Crystalline Energy, Aromatherapy, Spiritual Money Management, Emotional Freedom Technique, Matrix Healing and Wisdom Oracle Readings. Each quarter we offer classes that offer continuing education credits for Massage & Bodywork Therapists.
Hearts & Sol Wellness is also home to The Crystal Web, owned and operated by Kristel Webb – a retail store offering crystals, gemstones, Young Living Essential Oils, Silvermoon CBD products and a large variety of Himalayan Salt Lamps. The Crystal Web is a great supporter of many local artists, displaying handmade jewelry, organic candles, paintings, glasswork, photography and many one of a kind pieces.
Every Monday evening at Hearts & Sol Wellness, we host Meaningful Monday. As a gift to our wonderful community, we offer guided meditations at 6:15pm followed by a guest speaker introducing themselves and their unique talents and gifts. The various speakers often offer private sessions in their particular healing modality and sometimes group classes, also held at Hearts & Sol Wellness.
2 – We’d love to know how Hearts & Sol got started. (history)
Cathy Johnston and Sharon Faw Martin met in 2001 at Blue Ridge Healing Arts Academy Massage Therapy School. Cathy moved to Oak Island in 2004 and Sharon visited regularly. The dream of one day opening a massage and wellness center on the island was realized in November 2013, when they established Hearts & Sol Wellness. In the beginning it was just the two of them, and now Hearts & Sol Wellness is a community of practitioners dedicated to share services and heartfelt care with each client. The ability to connect and give back to our wonderful community is a blessing every day.
3 – What kind of background do your employees have?
At Hearts & Sol Wellness, each practitioner brings their individual talents, gifts and healing modalities as independent contractors:
Cathy H. Johnston, CLP, LMBT #1620 Massage Therapy & LifeLine Technique 910-228-1035 • caribbeansol@me.com
Sharon Faw Martin, MLP, LMBT #3279 NCBTMB Approved Provider #1515 LifeLine Technique, Chromotherapy, Massage Therapy 704-905-9535 • swfaw@aol.com
Kristel Webb, Owner, The Crystal Web Gemstones & Holistic Essentials Young Living Essential Oil Educator, Member #3666403, 910-547-9641 keylime@ec.rr.com
Chris Gordon, Celestial Healing Therapist, Reiki Master Teacher 910-232-4413 • celestialhealing14@yahoo.com
Paula Curtis-Burn, Master EFT Practitioner, Life Coach, Matrix Reimprinting 910-713-5090 • pcurtisburn@ec.rr.com Tanya Hart M.Ed., LCAS, LPC SoulShine: Addictions Specialist, Reiki Practitioner, Essential Oils Consultant 740-505-3819 tanyahart79@yahoo.com
Pam Yount, Certified Hypnosis Instructor Hypnosis for Weight Loss, Pain, Stop Smoking , Appointments available Thursdays – Saturdays, 828-962-4336
Maggid Larry Gerstenhaber PhD, Counseling, Healing, Spiritual Direction, 828-712-6455 * larrymg@aol.com
Maria C. Teslik, Life Coach Empowering Authenticity, Spiritual Money Management & The Divine Gifts of Masculine & Feminine , 704-228-4360 * mariasNEC@gmail.com
Catherine Owens, BS, MA, Certified Akashic Record Consultant and Teacher Certified ThetaHealing, LED Light Therapy, 828-773-5636 ~
Cindy Tilbe Karas, Eden Energy Medicine, Quantum Crystalline Energy, Reiki Master, and Aromatherapy , 919.389.9722 ~ cindy@vitalenergymedicine.com
4 – Who is your typical customer?
Our customers and clients come from all walks of life and are drawn to Hearts & Sol Wellness by our connectedness of the Universal Healing Frequency of Love. Our love for this area, our community and each other brings us all together. We are very blessed and grateful.
5 – What makes Hearts & Sol unique?
Our spirit of love, our connection and support of each other and our commitment to our community.
6 – Do you have anything special happening over the Fall or Winter?
Meaningful Mondays each week, a variety of classes and workshops are scheduled including: LifeLine Ignite, Kabbalah, Akashic Records Basic Certification, ZenTangle, The 13th Octave, Reiki Certification.
7 – Do I need a membership, appointment or do you offer drop ins?
Each practitioner sees clients by appointment and their contact information can be found on our monthly Southport Magazine Ad, as well as our FaceBook page: https://www.facebook.com/Hearts-Sol-Wellness-212948772224635/
The Crystal Web is open Monday-Friday 10:00am -4:00pm
I’m interested in more info on the upcoming Reiki training. I’m level 3 certified and have practiced for many years. I have just retired and am re-exploring my spiritual life. I wonder about a ‘refresher’ and the different styles or types of Reiki.