Keeping The Doors Open

When she had to close the doors to in-store customers Cattail, Cottage owner Pam Sexton took the opportunity to clean, re-organize and even re-paint the store. We loved her knack for making the best of difficulties so we asked her a few questions about how she’s facing her challenges.
How did your online presence change as a result of all this?
My online presence has not necessary changed. Since our closure to the walk-in traffic in March, it has become our only means of generating sales. I have made it a priority to add more of our in-store products to our website and offered more frequent online specials for customers to take advantage of. It has always been my goal to offer the same items online as I do in my brick and mortar location, however, time constraints have limited my ability to do so. With the restrictions in place, I have been given the opportunity to finally achieve my original goals.
What are a few of the lessons you’ve learned? Business or personal?
There is always a learning curve to any small business. I opened just one year prior to the stock market crash of 2008. The very first and most important lesson I learned about small business is from the moment you wake in the morning, you never know what kind of day you are going to have. You have to be prepared and willing to adapt your business to any situation, good or bad. You have to love what you do for the amount of hours and work you will put into your business. Balancing the demands of your business with the needs of your family is also a very crucial. It is a give and take relationship.
What has the response from the community been like to your attempt to shift out of doing business in person?
I feel that the community has been extremely gracious and understanding. Many of my regular customers have reached out to me to place orders via my website, email or phone and have expressed their support. They have sent me positive messages on Facebook about how much they miss visiting the shop and that they plan to visit as soon as it is safe to do so. My online presence is a true blessing right now and I am glad I have it as a means of doing business.
What tools have you found most helpful? Are there any that you only learned about during this experience that will remain helpful once things move back towards normalcy?
Communication. The entire situation has been very confusing. We are overwhelmed with information from other countries, our Federal Government, our local officials, the media and so forth. There are three possible scenarios about information: it can be true, false or is continually being revised and updated, therefore, making it hard to make sense of anything. I have found it most helpful to talk with fellow business owners, friends, and neighbors. Different people have different experiences. My experience has helped others and in some cases, theirs have helped me.
I don’t feel that I have learned anything new, however, I have been reminded of what is truly important to me. I say “to me” because we all have different values and beliefs. Life was busy and crazy up until 3 months ago. Now it is busy and crazy in a different way…and that gave me a new perspective. Perspective is an important part of how we react to what is going on around us. I have also been reminded that a little bit of humility goes a long way. We are all having different experiences right now. I don’t believe we are all in the “same boat” so to say, but we are all experiencing the same storm. So be humble and kind to each other.
Any advice for others trying to navigate these waters?
Be positive! It may feel like dire times, and I am the first to admit I have my share of doubts creep into my mind. However, we will get through these times, one day at a time. We may have a new “normal” for a period of time or forever, but as humans, we can adapt and overcome. I believe it is important to be calm, patient, respectful and supportive to each other. Many of us have different ideas and will ultimately make different decisions about the best way to move forward. However, we can still be civil and kind so that we remain a supportive community. The more supportive and respectful we are, the faster we will be able to return to our “normal” lives.
Cattail Cottage is having a careful, phased opening. For more information or to shop online visit
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