Let’s turn Southport Pink!

Let’s turn Southport Pink!
And have fun for a great local cause.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. With that in mind, there is an organization called The Pink Ribbon Project that helps women in our area by providing funds so that those without health insurance or other financial resources, can receive mammography screenings at one of five (5) approved NHRMC regional sites. The Pink Ribbon Project helps more than 1,200 uninsured women each year with mammography screenings as well as funding for any diagnostics that may be required for a suspect result.
Early detection of this disease is paramount in the fight against Breast Cancer but, just as important is the support these women receive after diagnosed. The Pink Ribbon Project provides comfort during a seemingly surreal time. No one is born with the knowledge of how to handle such a life changing event. Thankfully there are resources available and the Pink Ribbon Project introduces them through their Comfort Bags. The Pink Ribbon Project Comfort Bags are designed to bring comfort to women as they traverse through their cancer journey… from diagnosis to treatment. These bags contain items that range from the practical to the inspirational and are designed to let women know they’re not alone and that they have resources and support in a difficult period. They distribute over 6,500 Comfort Bags to area women as they undergo cancer treatment, distributed by the NHRMC Zimmer Cancer Center and area physician groups.
On October 17th from 6:00pm – 9:00pm at Southport Massage, 1306 N Atlantic Ave. in Southport there will be a fundraiser for the NHRMC Pink Ribbon Project. Jason Smith of Southport Massage was kind enough to share the story of his decision to spearhead this worthy cause.
My wife, Stacy, is a 3 year breast cancer survivor and even though we were not married during that time in her life we have talked a great deal about the experience. We decided this year our goal was to do something on a bigger than normal scale for a charity and breast cancer awareness seemed to be a fitting cause. Stacy told me that the most useful items she received at her diagnosis was the Pink Ribbon Project bag filled with educational material, day planner, pillow case and eye pillow and even lip balm. She actually still uses the pink satin pillowcase. That’s why we decided to make NHRMC Pink Ribbon Project the charity of choice. That pink bag provided a lot of comfort during the treatment (surgery, chemo, and reconstruction) process. We want to make sure all local women diagnosed with breast cancer continue to receive these useful items. Pink Ribbon also provides the funding for screenings and treatment for people not able to afford it on their own. The support for our event has been overwhelming with over 35 sponsors. It shows how our community can join together to make a difference. —-Jason Smith
Local businesses have been busy donating raffle items and party supplies all month. This outdoor event will have a cash wine bar by Silver Coast Winery and a free dessert bar with treats from local bakeries. The entertainment will be provided by Coastal Carolina Productions “DJ Rock”. It is free to attend and all the proceeds will go to the NHRMC Pink Ribbon Project. There has been a generous outpouring of support and raffle items from the community. Several donations for the raffle are worth more than $500.00! The raffle tickets are only $10.00. Prizes include the following plus much more:
2 Night Stay at Bell-Clemmons House B&B
2 Night Stay at Captain Newton’s Inn
Haircare, Mani-pedi’s, facial and products by Serenity by the Sea Staff
Brunch and Southport Tour for Six by Robert Ruark Inn
Each basket has a 1 hour massage by a local massage therapist including Southport Massage!
Restaurant gift certificates from:
Big Al’s Slam Dunk BBQ, Southport Gourmet, Ports of Call Bistro, and Baked with Love
For a full list of sponsors and additional information and the link to the Facebook event page go to www.southportmassage.com and click on the Think Pink link.
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