South Brunswick Marching Cougars Coming To A Christmas Parade Near You

SBHS Marching Band Program Winds Up Successful Season
The South Brunswick High School Marching Cougars, The Pride of the South Coast, will be helping ring in the Christmas season at two parades this year. Band Director Jonathon Moore will be leading the 75-member strong band marching in the Christmas by The Sea Parade on Oak Island on Saturday, December 5 and then the following Friday evening, December 11, in the Light Up The Night Christmas Fire Engine Parade in Southport. Looking ahead to spring, they will also participate in the 2016 Azalea Festival parade in April.
In addition to the parades, the 2015 Holiday Concert will be held at Odell Williamson Auditorium on the campus of Brunswick Community College on Monday, December 14 at 6:00 pm. South Brunswick High School Symphonic Band and South Brunswick High School Chorus will be performing a joint concert. Mr. Moore, Director of Bands, and Mrs. Jennings, Chorus Director, invite the entire community to attend this event. Admission is free and attendees are invited to bring a toy or toys for a boy and/or girl of any age that will be donated to the Boys and Girls Homes of North Carolina at Lake Waccamaw. Please indicate on the wrapped gift if the toy is for a boy or girl and the age group for the toy.
Moore and Jennings both said they appreciate the opportunity to perform at Odell Auditorium. “Mr. Sapp and his staff go above and beyond in making sure our children have the best experience when performing at Odell, and it is always a joy and blessing to be able to perform there each year,” said Moore.
The parades and concert represent the culmination of a lot of hard work and fun for the South Brunswick Marching Band. The season for the Pride of the South Coast started with the first basic camp in June. Since then the group has worked hard to prepare their show for performances at home football games and at competitions within the region. They reconvened in August for a 2-week camp before the start of school. Once school started, the band rehearsed during class and two days after school each week.
The band performed at all five home football games and at the Brunswick County Schools Showcase of Bands, hosted by South Brunswick High School this year. The Pride of the South Coast also represented their school at three regional band competitions. They first traveled to Gray’s Creek High School in Hope Mills, NC where they won 1st place Percussion, Marching, Drum Major, 3rd place General Effect, and Music, and 3rd overall in Class AAA. For their second competition, they traveled to South Columbus High School in Tabor City, NC. They won 1st place Color Guard, Drum Major, Music, Percussion, General Effect, 2nd place Marching, and 1st place overall in Class AAA. For their final competition, the Pride traveled to Loris High School in Loris, SC. They gave what Moore calls their best performance and won 1st place Percussion, Drum Major, Marching, General Effect, 2nd place Music, Color guard, and 2nd place overall.
“I am very proud of how much this group has improved over the season. At this rate I anticipate furthering their performance experience to that of a regional and national level in future years,” said Moore.
Moore says the band is an important part of many children’s lives, but that a successful and meaningful music program doesn’t come cheap. “Due to budget limits and constraints set by the county and state, we are unable to fund the full band program, so we must rely on fundraisers, students’ fees, and generous donations received from our families, friends, and local supporters,” said Moore.
The South Brunswick Band Boosters is seeking donations to help with the cost of running a successful band program. The South Brunswick Band Boosters is a non-profit organization that seeks to provide opportunities for students to have an enriching music education and opportunities beyond what local schools are able to supply.
The boosters’ annual budget goes towards supplementing the cost of extra staff for marching band and indoor ensembles, much needed equipment and instruments for a growing band, uniform expenses, competition fees, traveling costs, and other general expenses, said Moore.
“The South Brunswick Band Boosters wants every student to be able to elevate their musical skills and abilities. We need your help and support! Your tax-deductible donation will help our students achieve their musical goals. Thank you in advance for supporting our students!” he said.
Information on how to donate to the South Brunswick Band Boosters is available from Director Jonathon Moore at
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