Southport Cookies

Who doesn’t love cookies? They’re portable and come in endless varieties. Cookies have become a standard form of reward, probably a holdover from our childhoods when they were handed out as treats. Well, now I’m a grown up and I can go get a cookie whether I’ve been good or not. It just so happens that our friend Joelle Ingram has opened a new cookie shop in the Southport Village Shoppes, on Howe Street behind the Southport Smokehouse, so when we have a cookie craving, we know where to go!
We talked to Joelle all about Southport Cookies and what makes her lean treats the perfect reward.
Can you tell us what Southport Cookies is and what you sell?
Southport Cookies is an adorable small bakery that sells amazing Vegan and Gluten Free cookies.
When did you start Southport Vegan Cookies? It was a home-based business until now, right?
I started baking from home last summer after catering my niece’s vegan wedding. I received rave reviews from the wedding guests, and that prompted me to create my company. I also used the kitchen at Live Oak Cafe, thanks to the amazing generosity of Sean, the owner.
What makes a vegan cookie different?
Vegan means no animal products. When baking, I use plant-based and high quality ingredients. I bake with a plant-based butter, and use flax seed, chia seed, pumpkin, etc. as an egg replacement. I use organic sugars because non-organic sugar is not Vegan as it is processed using bone char.
For someone who hasn’t tried vegan baked goods, give us your pitch for trying them out.
I don’t want anyone to be scared off by the term Vegan! My cookies are amazing and a non-vegan would not know that they did not contain animal products! Just give them a try and you will see!
What moved you to open a retail location?
I needed someplace to put all of my ingredients and equipment! My house looked like a crowded bakery! My large mixer, named Betty, was so big and in the way sitting on my island. Any time I wanted to entertain, I had to move everything to make room for the party!
Tell us about joining the Southport Village Shops. I understand it was a bit of a whirlwind.
I was just putting my feelers out to see if it was even possible for me to open a storefront, when I found out my current location was available. It was really difficult to imagine a bakery in such a small space. The square footage is only 250! I have always made spur of the moment decisions and this was no different! I decided, ‘why not!’ and signed the lease, put in all new plumbing, new electrical, new paint, inside and out, new light fixtures, all with the help of my amazing friends! I never could have done any of this without them! Giving up their weekends so selflessly to help me is extremely humbling!

How do you come up with cookie ideas?
I do a lot of googling and I follow several bakers! I find recipes that I like and I ‘veganize’ them. My friends and neighbors have been my testers and I trust them to give me honest feedback. It’s a lot of trial and error, and I have thrown many cookies in the trash. I do have a problem where I like to put walnuts in everything! It’s a challenge to NOT add them!
Do you still supply restaurants and such? Where can people find your cookies outside of your shop?
I do still want to supply the local restaurants — it is too much for me now to deliver to businesses not in downtown Southport. You can still find Southport Cookies intermittently at Cafe Koa and Fizzy Janes.
Any future plans for Southport Vegan Cookies?
Honestly, just baking and enjoying this adventure!
Anything else you’d like to add?
I am forever grateful for the support from my family and friends— Melanie at Cafe Koa, Sean at Live Oak, and Stephanie, Shawn at Inergy Market, Jenni and Billy at Potters, and Alexis at Fizzy Janes. I never could have accomplished this without them!!
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