The Artisans Gallery on Howe

Nestled in historical Southport near the river and underneath the canopy of live oak trees resides a gallery full of fine artwork and fine crafts. Everything inside the Artisans Gallery on Howe is lovingly made by local artists and craftspeople. The quaint little house turned gallery has all the charm of other historical Southport architecture including an idyllic wrap-around porch taking in the breezes and views of the nearby Cape Fear River. It’s the kind of porch where you don’t mind sitting outside drinking sweet tea on a lazy summer Sunday afternoon.

On June 17, The Artisans Gallery on Howe celebrates its first anniversary at the Howe Street location. It’s a long story that started a few years ago with the unfortunate loss of the original gallery space at the Marina in St. James. “The original Artisans Gallery was located at the St. James Plantation Marina,” said Donna Davis, artist, and Artisan Communications Vice President. “The Artisans Gallery was very successful in that location, offering many events including Plein air, featured artists, and art walks. After many years, the Gallery was closed when the property was purchased by the Marina, which needed the space to enlarge the Marina office,” she said. “The Artisans searched for about two-and-a-half years for an appropriate property to open another gallery, and finally the space at 114 S. Howe Street in Southport became available.”
During a time when many businesses faced huge challenges staying open, The Artisans Gallery on Howe successfully persevered through the COVID-19 pandemic and public gathering restrictions. The gallery remained open seven days a week and strictly followed CDC guidelines and local mandates. The gallery emphasizes the safety of its members and well as the public. The gallery also served as host for many events, including Art on the Porch, Musicians on the Porch, and Featured Artists.

“The gallery recently participated in the Spring Fling event with many other Southport businesses, and is also a member of Downtown Southport Inc,” said Davis. “The Artisans Gallery on Howe has been a positive influencer during this pandemic for many gallery members including myself. The gallery provided a way to cope during a very restrictive time by encouraging creative relief while staying safe at home. It also provided needed social connection at a time of social distancing and feelings of isolation. Providing publicity for The Artisans Gallery on Howe has provided purpose and enjoyment for me,” she said. “The gallery is looking forward to more events like Art on the Porch and Featured Artist where we can highlight the people behind the art and also offering workshops to share our love of the arts. The Artisans Gallery on Howe has done very well during its first year,” said Davis. “The Gallery was also awarded assistance through a grant from the Brunswick Arts Council.”
You will find more fine art than just paintings and sculptures – fabulous photography, jewelry, beautiful fabric textiles, linens, glasswork, functional pottery, and much more. You will find some lost art creations such as heirloom hand-stitched smocked children’s clothes, crocheted and knitted items, and woodworking, as well as creative, locally inspired, and found objects such as hand-woven baskets including pine needles and decor using found seashells. You will also find well-tailored hand-sewn purses and wallets and other textiles. And there is much more! With more than 60 artists exhibiting, it is run as a co-op where members play an integral part of the day-to-day operations. “The gallery is looking forward to continuing to be an integral part of downtown Southport,” said Davis.
A lot of work goes into the daily operations of the gallery. Currently, the Artisans President is Donna Kanich, and day-to-day operations are led by VP Retail Chairs Marian MacKerer and Kristine Holt, with the assistance of many retail committee members and gallery members who work in the gallery seven hours a month.
Alongside the gallery operations, the Artisans run Stepping Up For Arts (SUFA) which is a 501(c)3 organization associated with The Artisans. “The goal of this organization is to promote and support the arts in the communities of Brunswick County through art appreciation and educational opportunities,” said Davis. “Scholarships in fine arts are limited and we dedicate ourselves to ensuring that deserving Brunswick County Public Schools graduating High School students can pursue their craft at the college level. We have a proud history of awarding multiple annual scholarships so these young adults may continue their studies in any field of art.” You can donate to SUFA by going to The Artisans website to make a donation via mail or online.
The Artisans Gallery on Howe is located at 114 S. Howe Street in Downtown Southport. The phone number is (910) 363-4479. Gallery hours are Monday-Saturday 10 am-5 pm and Sunday 12:30-4pm. Check the gallery out on Facebook at The Gallery welcomes more 3D Artists and is currently recruiting artists who create metal art, birdhouses, pottery, and sculptures, and decorative painters. Contact the Membership Chair Carol Szot via phone (910)448-0412 or email to receive an application and jury standards.
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