The Craft Beer Guru Of Oak Island

It almost sounds like the plot of movie— Woman leaves the corporate world to buy a taproom and bottle shop at the beach. I’m not sure the LifeTime version would include a plague and a hurricane, but those things have certainly spiced up the real life story of Loraine Tammaro, the new owner/operator of The Taproom and Craft Bottle Shop at The Grape & Ale. We spoke to Loraine about her dream, navigating some troubled times and, of course, beer!

Tell us a little about yourself. How did you come to Oak Island? Where did you come from? What were you doing before coming to the Grape & Ale? How long have you been at the Grape & Ale?
Originally from Northern New Jersey, I made the move to North Carolina back in 1998 to be closer to family who had relocated here, and never looked back. I immediately fell in love with NC. The people were so friendly, the pace of life was much slower, and everything was so much greener. I’ve been in the south for so long that I now consider myself a true “Southerner”
I have always enjoyed the beach and dreamed of one day owning a second home at the coast. That dream became reality in 2011, after a friend suggested that I look on Oak Island. After spending a week here on vacation, falling in love with the charm of the island and the people I encountered, I made an offer on a house, and the rest is history. Over the years, I made many friends here, many of whom I met at The Grape & Ale while attending wine and beer tastings. Candace and Jamie Hobbs were the first of those friends.
After a 25+ year career in various sales and customer-facing roles for the medical device, research, and most recently the clinical trials industries, I decided to step away from the corporate world to focus on “living life” and pursuing my dream of owning my own business. When Candace and Jamie approached me with this opportunity, I was thrilled, and knew that it was meant to be.
I made the move full time to OKI from the Greensboro area and officially took ownership of The Taproom and Craft Bottle Shop at The Grape & Ale on July 12, 2020.
What is your history with beer? Always a fan? Do you consider yourself an aficionado?
I have always enjoyed beer and was immediately hooked on craft beer after visiting my first brewery. I enjoy the many different styles of craft beer but will often be found enjoying a gose or sour which are some of my favorites.
I am passionate about and thoroughly enjoy sharing my love of craft beer with others, so yes, I would consider myself an aficionado.
What do you enjoy most about your new life running an island beer shop?
I’m living at the beach and running a Taproom and Craft Bottle Shop, what’s not to enjoy? Seriously, that’s a hard question because there are so many things that I enjoy. I enjoy being able to work side-by-side with Candace and Jamie, I enjoy meeting and interacting with customers, I enjoy the flexibility and the freedom, I enjoy researching beers and deciding which beers to offer in the shop, and most of all, I can actually say that I enjoy going to work each day.
What have been your biggest challenges? I imagine the COVID restrictions play a role in that…
My biggest challenge at the moment is not being able to offer indoor seating. For many people it is just too hot and humid to sit outside comfortably.
Many parts of our island suffered devastating losses from the recent hurricane. My heart goes out to everyone who was affected. As always, our little slice of heaven will rebuild and emerge better and stronger than before. I look forward to the reopening of these areas and welcoming back home everyone that was displaced.
Are there any silver linings you’ve found as you begin a business in a pandemic?
Things being slower due to the pandemic and indoor seating being prohibited, has helped by allowing me to take my time getting things set-up and focusing on learning all the different aspects of the business. I am also very thankful for all the support that I am receiving from the OKI community. Everyone has been so welcoming, and I truly appreciate it.
What are the rules at Grape & Ale as far as customer experience?
Masks are required, no indoor seating until further notice, and social distancing must be observed at all times. We DO have outdoor seating available in our courtyard.
What sets your shop apart from the beer aisle at the grocery store?
I aim to bring in high quality, highly-rated craft beers made with all-natural ingredients that aren’t available in grocery stores. I focus on the customer and want people to enjoy the experience and conversation as much as the beer. In addition to cans and bottles, I also offer 12 craft beers on tap.
What are you most looking forward to as we move into the fall and hopefully out of the restrictions?
I’m looking forward to the loosening of restrictions so we can once again allow indoor seating. I have many ideas, fun activities, and daily specials that I look forward to implementing as soon as restrictions are eased. Also, the cooler weather that fall brings will be a much-welcomed respite from the summer heat and humidity, enabling customers to more comfortably enjoy our outdoor seating area.
Can you point to maybe three beers available at your shop that would be perfect for an Oak Island September, still summer really, but moving into an autumn mode?
Sure. A hazy IPA from Bill’s Brewing in Wilmington, That’s What Space Smells Like; a Cucumber-Melon Gose from D9 Brewing in Cornelius, NC, Brewer’s Day Off; and an Oktoberfest from Edmund’s Oast Brewing in Charleston, SC.
Well THAT sounds like a topic for next month’s Cheers column. Why not stop in and see Loraine and pick up her recommended beers for September and give them a try along with me. Then, in October, come back here and see if our opinions on these brews are in sync.
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