The Road to Our Hearts are Paved with Paw Prints

Readers send in photos of their furry friends
Each year we reach out to our readers asking them to send in theirpet photos for the January’s Pet issue. We chose one for
the cover, whichis always a very difficult decision! The handsome guy on this years coveris Biscuit Allgood. Proudly owned by Pamela Allgood of Southport NC. Shetold us that Biscuit enjoys his beach days on Oak Island. He sure looks likeit! What a snazzy fella!
We had over 50 submissions and we tried to publish all the pic- tures- apologies if we missed one! We would like to recognize some of therunners up for the cover shown on page 2. They are ArmaniMcGeever, a Greyhound rescued by Agnès McGeever and Sir Scout, a Chocolate Labpuppy from Southport proudly owned by Michael Trent & Shea Williams.
Thank you to all who participated. We hope you enjoy these- photos as much as we did!
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