Watersports & More

Southport Watersports offers service, maintenance and sales! Check it out.
Well you’ve made it through another Fourth of July and now it’s time to relax and start your real Summer vacation. If you own any kind of water craft, you just might know these guys! They offer everything you might need for your boat or water sport equipment. It’s Southport Water Sports and here is the lowdown on everything you need to know!
1 – Give us a brief history of how Southport WaterSports opened?
I had a wonderful opportunity to bring good service with fair pricing to the community.
2 – Have you always been in the boat business?
Yes, I started in the boat business at age 19, at Hatteras Yachts, and have built my career and reputation since, Fountain Boats, Tiara Yachts, Rampage and Cruiser Yachts. To present day.
3 – As an authorized Boat Dealer, please tell us about your boats (brands) you have for sale. (New and used)
We have G3, which is a Yamaha boat, Maycraft, which is a locally built boat for sale and authorized Suzuki and Yamaha Dealer
4 – You also sell trailers, tell us more about that.
We sell Venture and EZ loader trailers and an authorized repair center for these models. We can also repair and service all trailers.
5 – When it comes to wear and tear… you offer canvas repair and custom aluminum fabrication, what exactly does that entail?
The business and can repair and custom fabricate for any boat. We also have the experience to fabricate or modify aluminum or steel
6 – Boat maintenance is very important, especially with the salt water… you offer bottom painting, how often should that be done – and how important is it?
Bottom painting is very important to boats left in the salt water, it helps protect your investment. It is recommended to be done every two years. Scraping of the hull is also recommended in between, it helps extend the life of the bottom paint.
7 – What kind of electrical and engine services do you offer?
We are an authorized Yamaha and Suzuki dealer and follow their guidelines, We have two certified technicians.
8 – What advice would you give a first-time boat owner, for long engine/boat life?
First time boat owners should do their research in regard to what type of boat they would like to purchase based on the activity. It is important to follow the maintenance schedule and most important to USE the boat.
9 – What kind of fiberglass work do you do?
We have an ABYC certified tech in fiberglass repair.
10 – Do you have any special deals or offers you’d like to tell us about?
Yamaha has periodic specials, call us for details, Both brands run promotion sales several times per year.
11 – Is it easy to get financing for a boat (like a car)?
We deal with all banks and Marathon Finance (which specializes in marine finance)
What kind of boat do you have? (or what is your dream boat?)
I have owned many boats, I own a 16ft John boat right now which is ideal for inter coastal and inland fishing. My dream boat, hard to say, one big enough for the family to enjoy but not to big where I can’t handle it by myself.
Do you like to sail or powerboat? (why)
I will always choose a power boat!! I like to be in control!!
What is number one on your bucket list?
My number one on the bucket list, continue to share my life with my wife, kids and grandkids.
What is your favorite boating destination?
Favorite boating destination would be to travel the intercoastal to the keys, no time limit, and just enjoy the experience.
What is your favorite boating activity? Fishing? Cruising?
I love to just cruise and relax, find a fun place to swim and enjoy the family.
Favorite Book or Movie?
I enjoy any movie that makes me laugh, I don’t have much time to read!
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